Brentwood water and wastewater engineers have a busy schedule. Not only are they among the finest engineers in the business, they volunteer and are dedicated to improving the community! Here are a few things they have been up to recently.
Penn State Berks: During the week of February 11-15 Penn State celebrated careers and the diversity of engineering. On February 15, 2013 Lisa Peterson, Director of Engineering, and Luke Habermehl, Engineer and alumni of PSU, judged the school’s Bridge of Spaghetti contest. The contest was created to kick-off their new four-year Mechanical Engineering program. The winning bridge at the college level held 27 pounds. The winning bridge at the high school level held 14 pounds. Denise Pehlman also attended the event to share information about careers at Brentwood.
The winning design – supported 27 lbs.
Hamburg Jr. High School: Lisa Peterson, Director of Engineering, spoke at the school for their Project Lead the Way program on February 26. Lisa encouraged the students to study and excel in math and sciences; in particular, the engineering field.
Reading/Berks Science Fair: Janet Cramer, Compliance Manager; Andy Truex, Process Specialist; and Lisa Peterson, Director of Engineering volunteered to judge this year’s science fair on March 12. Brentwood’s Philanthropy Committee approved six $100 awards for the fair; three each for the Senior and Junior divisions. The awards will go to the best project in each category, but must fit within the categories of water technology, study/reuse of plastics, and recycling/reuse of plastics.
Governor Mifflin High School: On April 4, alumni of the school, Alex Mitchell, Sr. Engineer, and Bill Campbell, Engineer, will participate in “A Day in the Life of a Mechanical Engineer”. The day targets the sophomore class. Alex and Bill will explain the rewards and challenges of being a Mechanical Engineer.
Hamburg Middle School: Kyle Feltenberger, CAD (Computer Aided Design) Designer, and Warren Reinhart, CAD Operator, will visit the school May 3 for a Career Day. Kyle & Warren will share with the students their experiences of being a specialist in CAD in the water/wastewater field.