
Structured Packings

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Brentwood offers an extensive line of structured packings, designed to fit any mass transfer application. Selecting a structured packing for an application involves balancing mass transfer performance, pressure drop, and fouling resistance. Brentwood structured packing is available in several different materials, including PVC, polypropylene, PVDF, and metal, allowing for the selection of the most cost-effective material for the application, based on appropriate chemical and temperature resistance.

For detailed engineering data and application specific support, contact application engineering.

Common Applications:

  • Acid Gas Removal (HCl, HF, SO2)

  • CO2 Capture

  • Chlorine

  • Flue Gas Scrubbing

  • Gas Purification

  • Odor Control

  • Air Pollution Control

  • Liquid Stripping

  • Direct Contact Cooling


MASSdek 125 HTC
Structured Packings At-A-Glance

Structured Packings At-A-Glance

+ = Fair     +(+) = Fair to Good     ++ = Good     ++(+) = Better than good, not the best     +++ = Best

A quick and comprehensive overview of the MASSdek product line, along with recommended applications for each.

Metal Structured Packings At-A-Glance

Metal Structured Packings At-A-Glance

+ = Fair     +(+) = Fair to Good     ++ = Good     ++(+) = Better than good, not the best     +++ = Best

A quick and comprehensive overview of the MASSdek S Series, along with recommended applications for each.

Case Studies

Case Studies

Air Treatment for Odorous Waste

Brentwood worked with a client to design scrubbers for an air handling and treatment system. The client was dealing with odiferous air being emitted from pumping stations, sewers, and aerated beds across 11 municipal sewage plants around the city of Istanbul, Turkey. Brentwood recommended MASSdek® Structured Packing to achieve the client’s requirements. Read the full case study to see how this system performed!

Read Full Case Study

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