Close-up of a black textured surface with a repeating, wavy pattern that creates a series of vertical ridges and indentations.

Unmatched Dependability

Unlock Your Plant's Full Potential

Municipal water companies and organizations processing industrial wastewater rely on equipment that cleans water without fail, 24/7. With unparalleled expertise, Brentwood engineers water management solutions you can trust, unlocking your plant’s full potential.

From environmentally friendly biological trickling filters for the 21st century to submerged aerated filters, our BIOdek plastic media offers efficient and effective biological treatment of effluent.

Available as cross-fluted and vertical flow fill, when correctly installed and maintained, this modern, robust, and sustainable media ensures long-term dependability.

Somos incomparables.

Reduced Water Usage
Lower Energy Consumption
Extended Asset Lifespan
Reduced Water Usage

Compared to traditional rock filters, BIOdek structured plastic media provides 2-3 times more effective surface area, allowing for around three times the organic load and up to 10 times the hydraulic flow. Processing a higher load with significantly reduced build-up of solids within the media pack can greatly decrease water use in clearing clogging and processing of sloughed solids.

Lower Energy Consumption

BIOdek structured plastic media produces substantially less sludge than traditional media, reducing power requirements to remove, process, and dispose of it. Plant operators can easily and quickly optimize performance, including recycle rates, flushing rates, and wetting rates, to accommodate changing organic and hydraulic loadings, maximizing filtration efficiency while minimizing energy use.

Learn More About Trickling Filters
Extended Asset Lifespan

BIOdek structured plastic media will perform flawlessly for decades. The modular design enables capacity adjustments for fluctuating water volumes, and it excels at handling diverse influent characteristics. In case of a significant shift in processing, easy media replacement and upgrades reduce environmental impact and construction costs, extending the life of existing infrastructure. Existing trickling filters can also be upgraded to use BIOdek, preserving the original capital investment and delivering a second lifetime of operation.

Watch our Trickling Filter webinars
Aerial view of two large circular water treatment tanks with several pipes connected to them, situated on a grassy area. Small buildings are adjacent to the tanks. A large industrial facility with extensive pipework and a grated structure in the foreground showcasing a trickling filter. The image shows an industrial structure with a metal floor composed of a grid pattern and a corrugated metal wall curving around the perimeter. The structure showcases the accugrid trickling filter.

Brentwood es inigualable.

En Brentwood, no nos conformamos con ser inigualables; es nuestra línea de base. Nuestro compromiso de superar las expectativas está entretejido en cada interacción, ya que vamos más allá para servir a nuestros clientes.


Con más de 50 años en el sector de las torres de refrigeración, vamos más allá y ofrecemos resultados en los que puede confiar. Comprometidos con su éxito futuro, perfeccionamos e innovamos nuestras técnicas, diseños y procesos, manteniéndonos a la vanguardia al tiempo que mantenemos estrictas normas de calidad en cada paso del camino.


Elegir Brentwood significa elegir confianza. Puede confiar en que nuestros productos no sólo cumplirán sus expectativas, sino que las superarán, además de estar respaldados por nuestra incomparable experiencia, innovación, rendimiento y calidad. Su equipo especializado está listo para guiarle en cada paso del camino hoy, mañana y juntos.


Envíe sus datos para descargar nuestro folleto.

    Imagen abstracta con un diseño minimalista de formas geométricas en blanco y gris claro. El fondo tiene un sutil degradado, creando una estética limpia y moderna.