Brentwood’s engineering team is happy to announce that Dr. Shanshan Jin, Senior Process Engineer, will be presenting at the Dallas Convention Center during AWWA ACE ‘12 on June 12, 2012. Her session #TUE25 begins at 2:00 PM and her presentation will be starting at 3:30 PM.
The paper will discuss a series of performance evaluation tests and the subsequent design improvements to a Sludge Dredging (SD) type sludge collection system. The SD system consists of a wing design that removes settled solids from the bottom of the clarifier tanks. Design configurations employing submersible pumps versus vacuum, integral motor drive (self-driven) versus cable drive (cable-driven) were tested in a rectangular clarifier in a 3.4 MGD water treatment plant over 16 months period. The sludge discharge rate, solids concentration and TSS for each configuration at various influent conditions were monitored. Statistical analyses were performed for each configuration. Grit removal efficiency and solids thickening effect were also evaluated. The performance data were then combined with the clarifier influent/effluent conditions and the site specific conditions to determine the design recommendations for every one of the four configurations. Cost analyses and power optimization were generated based on these recommendations. The Wing design was further compared with another popular collector shape – the pipe design. This study provided insights into the design considerations of the SD type of sludge collection systems. The study also suggests preferred system designs for various plant conditions, which may lead to cost reduction for the sludge removal process as well as the sludge disposal processes. We are honored to represent Brentwood Industries at this conference.
AWWA ACE ‘12 will be held June 5-8, 2012 at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, USA.