Our Six Step Process provides a detailed map, incorporating a series of integrated steps complete with milestones. Each step in the process is informed by 1) our knowledge gained from an investigation and analysis of your factory or plant’s current situation, challenges and requirements and 2) lessons learned in the previous step.

STEP 1: Determine if treatable

Let’s see what you’ve got.

We need to know the current quality of your effluent and level of treatment required.

Before we propose any sort of solution, we assess:

  • the current quality of your effluent and level of treatment required
  • more about composition of the effluent – for example, the volume and “levels” of Suspended Solids and other contaminants plus COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)

STEP 2: If yes, with what?

Let’s see if we can help.

Can we tailor our range of equipment to provide you with a solution?

We start with the basics: is a new build required or would an upgrade deliver the required results? We also consider operational objectives, do you want to increase load and/or meet tighter discharge consents?

We then calculate the mix, function size and weight of products to deliver optimum performance, meet effluent compliance standards and minimise energy requirements. And then we produce a detailed installation plan.

STEP 3: Pilot trial

Let’s see how well we can help.

We can test our solution in a scaled down plant to prove treatability.

We use a scaled-down pilot plant to test our recommended solution under conditions that mirror real world conditions and challenges.

Because the pilot is conducted in isolation, it doesn’t impede day-to-day operations.

STEP 4: Treatment targets and method

Let’s see how we’ll do it.

We can demonstrate how our solution will operate to deliver the level of treatment required.

The results demonstrate how well the system operates and prove the solution will deliver the level of treatment required.

Woman using Gantt chart for project management

STEP 5: Full spec proposal

Let’s see what it costs.

We will provide a fully costed specification detailing the equipment we provide and how it fits into your application.

We don’t believe suppliers should hide any justifiable costs, nor spring additional expense on customers. So we don’t.

4 employees huddled over papers

STEP 6: Install and monitor

Let’s see how well we’ve done.

We’re ready to install a design we’ve proved will deliver. Our partnership with the customer doesn’t end after implementation. We’re always there to help manage and monitor the plant to ensure consistent, high quality performance.

So, that’s the six, simple steps.

Constant evaluation is essential throughout the six step process and that’s why it’s important to review performance during every stage of the process.

And, finally, there’s the question of budget. We’re careful to monitor and assess costs throughout a project, not least because we know that, in the end, a truly successful installation is defined by the ROI – meeting or exceeding treatment requirements.

When you come to us for help, we help you to feel confident about what’s going on at every stage of the project.

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